Please join Nancy Marmet, Education Advocate, Parent to Parent of NYS, as she presents a webinar on What Does Advocacy Mean in the Special Education World?
Not everyone starts out by being a good advocate. Many parents, guardians and grandparents have faced challenges in getting their child’s education needs met. Parents, guardians, grandparents, must learn the skills they need to become good advocates for their children. Participants will learn that communicating effectively with teachers and other school personnel is one of the best ways to ensure that your child’s school is creating a good learning environment for your child, and to ensure that your child’s school is providing your child with the services or programs that he or she needs to succeed in school.
If you have questions please contact: Tina Beauparlant (518) 381-4350
The Richard H. Hungerford School is hosting a Community Transition & Resource Fair. We are
collaborating with PS/IS 25R-South Richmond HS, PS37-The David Marquis School of the Arts and
PS373R. The fair will be held on Saturday, January 21, 2023 (inclement weather date: January 28,
2023) from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at The Richard H. Hungerford School – Main Site located at 715 Ocean Terrace, Bldg. L, S.I, NY 10301
To register please click on If you have difficulty with the link email [email protected] or call (718) 436-7979 Ext. 704.
Please see flyer for meeting information & registration link ^