Please see flyer for meeting information & registration link ^
Parent to Parent is excited to host a new online Parent Group, specifically for parents of children and adults with Down Syndrome.
Hosted by Regional Coordinator Julia Luppino, mother of a teenage son with Down Syndrome
You must pre-register to attend:–tqDwiEtJ7JFuTzRVBO0NhjbG2zZwz

We look forward to seeing you on February 9th!
Registration (
Please join Julia Luppino, Regional Coordinator as she presents a webinar on the Health Care Notebook.
Participants will learn how a HCN can assist in organizing medical records. They will be given tips on how the notebook can assist with advocacy, save time, reduce stress and utilize the information within the notebook in the event of an emergency.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
The New York City Department of Education ASD Specialized Programs representatives, to discuss the ASD Specialized Programs!
Come join us on February 13th, 2023 @ 10AM to discuss the million dollar question!
What are my options to support my child when I am gone?
We have Edward V. Wilcenski, Esq and Michael S. Cognetti, MS Ed., MBA presenting on:
Passing The Baton: Planning the Transition of Oversight and Advocacy to Siblings and Other Caregivers.
Here is the link to register: Meeting Registration – Zoom