The Richard H. Hungerford School is hosting a Community Transition & Resource Fair. We are
collaborating with PS/IS 25R-South Richmond HS, PS37-The David Marquis School of the Arts and
PS373R. The fair will be held on Saturday, January 21, 2023 (inclement weather date: January 28,
2023) from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at The Richard H. Hungerford School – Main Site located at 715 Ocean Terrace, Bldg. L, S.I, NY 10301
To register please click on If you have difficulty with the link email or call (718) 436-7979 Ext. 704.
Please see flyer for meeting information & registration link ^
Parent to Parent is excited to host a new online Parent Group, specifically for parents of children and adults with Down Syndrome.
Hosted by Regional Coordinator Julia Luppino, mother of a teenage son with Down Syndrome
You must pre-register to attend:–tqDwiEtJ7JFuTzRVBO0NhjbG2zZwz

We look forward to seeing you on February 9th!